In case you decide that you would like to change the provider that's hosting your sites, you'll have to relocate all the content to the web servers of the new one, which might not be a very easy task if you do not have a lot of experience or you simply have no time to make it happen. Provided you have an HTML Internet site, it will not be difficult to move it as the migration is merely re-uploading all of the files to your new account, but in the event that you have a script-driven site and you ought to transfer a database, then link the site to it, and in addition you'd like to migrate mailboxes that you have created for your domain, you may find the whole process problematic. To make things simpler if you decide to get an Internet hosting account from our company, we offer website migration as a free of charge service with all our web hosting packages, helping you save the time, money and efforts which you'll otherwise need to spend to relocate the content yourself.